Carrying Out a Graveyard Survey - Guidelines



What to Record

Some Tips

Record Sheets

Drawing a Plan



Worn Stones

Some Tips

Tackle only what is within the capabilities of the group considering numbers of recorders, numbers of stones to be recorded and available time.

It is much easier to work in pairs and it's best to allocate small numbers of stones at a time to be recorded before the next meeting, so that any difficulties can be looked at by the whole group - say five stones at a time until experience is developed, then perhaps increase to ten.

An exhibition to show the results of the survey adds incentive to complete the recording and assimilate the findings. For the Prestonkirk survey exhibition we had displays on farming, artists, ministers, the symbolic carvings on the stones, infant mortality, famous people and local personalities, amongst others, in a local exhibition which ran for a week.

If you are fortunate enough to have an artistic person in the group, as we had, sketches of selected stones add a dimension to the record which cannot be fulfilled by the written record or by photography.

Page last updated 28th May, 2012
Please contact us if you have any comments about this page or if you have any problems with it.
